Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

It's one of my favorite feelings, and I bet it's one of yours too. When you wake up to the crisp air for the first time after a long summer. You finally notice the leaves starting to get their golden hue. And even though the weather's getting cooler, somehow, everything just starts to feel cozier.

It's no surprise that autumn is almost everyone's favorite season. And it's so gorgeous, it's no question that it means the start of busy season for us photographers. And I look forward to my trips back to St. Louis for fall family photos every year.

This year, I got to visit Nichole, Jeff, and Jackson for their fall family photos, outside of my typical St. Louis mini sessions.

Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO
Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO

Falling for you.

As it usually is in St. Louis, it was a warm November morning, and we were lucky to have a clear sky for our session. We chose to meet at Legacy Park in Cottleville, MO. This is a great location for a variety of scenery, especially in the fall. With a lake, beautiful wooded areas, and even a historic home, this is a super fun location to bring the kiddos, too.

Like most 3.5 year olds, Jackson was not into the idea of taking photos at first. But, luckily, I brought back up. ;) I brought my two doggies, Snoot and Boof, to this session, and they had fun watching me play games with Jackson. Jackson even got to learn how my camera works, which made him a lot more excited about getting his own pictures done.

Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO
Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO
Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO

Gather, and be grateful.

There's something about autumn that brings out the gratitude in daily life. Jeff, Nichole, and Jackson, THANK YOU for letting me take your family photos this year. I always love to see you, and we wish we could visit more often. One day, you'll have to take a trip to Colorado, and get some more family photos while you're at it! ;)

Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO
Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO
Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO
Fall family photos in St. Louis, MO